
Saturday, September 19, 2015

Roasted Chicken Legs Recipe - 49 cents a pound

Our local market, Food Ranch, has a sale on chicken quarters (leg and thigh). 10 pound bags sell for 49 cents per pound! Hello! That is less than $5 for a 10 lb bag of meat! I buy at least 5 bags at a time and throw them into my little chest freezer. I thaw out a bag at a time, divide it into two pans and cook the whole 10 pounds in the oven at the same time.

Sprinkle both sides of the raw chicken well with your favorite seasoning.
 I use complete seasoning found in the Mexican food isle at Sav-A-Lot in Crystal River,FL.
 Two large 12oz containers for $5 lasts about a month.

Roast in the oven uncovered at 400 degrees  for one hour.

Pour off and save all the drippings every 30 minutes. The drippings can be mixed with cornstarch or flour and baked to feed to my catfish.

Serve with a side dish and rooster sauce on a banana leaf. The chicken will fall off the bone and melt in your mouth.

One bag, ten pounds is enough cooked meat to use in different ways for a few days and I save on the electric bill by cooking it all up at once. The cooked meat can be used to make bar-b-que chicken sandwiches, chicken salad roll-ups, home-made chicken pot pies, etc.

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