
Saturday, September 19, 2015

Grow Your Own Food - Magic Beans

If you are not in the 1% you should grow your own food or as much of it as you can. Don't buy property that does not have room for a kitchen garden. Rooftops, balconies and yards are a great place to grow food. Are you really rich enough to pay someone else to grow your food? Can you trust anyone else to grow your food? Will they load it up with pesticides (spit in it) or provide you with real food? Or will they sell you "flour" made of wood cellulose? (or glue or plaster) The only way to protect your family is to grow and produce your own food. It is so easy! I will show you how. First, let's take a look at other cultures around the world to see what plants sustain them. Then, let's grow the fastest food producing plants that require the least amount of fuss.

Magic Beans: what is the biggest edible bean in the world? Canavalia gladiata, usually called sword bean, is a domesticated plant species in the legume family. The legume is a used as a vegetable in interiors of central and south central India and also grown in Inglis, Florida.
Cook your magic beans same as any dry beans. NOTE: Adult beans have a toxic skin till cooked same as Lima beans. Never eat raw! Cooking makes them safe to eat.

We pick the huge pods while young and tender, cut them crosswise into match sticks, then add them to soups and stews. They taste like boiled peanuts crossed with green beans.

 One seed can produce a huge crop with very little effort. Plant in early spring, water daily till sprout appears, add compost, manure and give it something to climb. Will break most trellis's. A bamboo trellis, electric pole, tree or fence will give you lots of reachable food for very little effort. Late in the Summer and early Fall you will get a bumper crop of beans. If you let the pods dry on the rope-like vines you will have huge dry beans to eat or plant in the Spring. If you roast and grind the dry beans, you will have a nearly identical substitute for coffee.

What can one bean do?

It covered the electric pole. The leaves and flowers are also good to eat. If you don't have any Magic Beans, use any bag of dry beans from the grocery store to start growing beans. Plant them in pots, barrels, bags or buckets filled with potting soil and eat pods when young and tender, then eat fresh or dried beans later as the beans mature inside the pods.

Supper Today: magic bean pods, pinto beans and rice. seasoned with onion, garlic, and peppers from the garden, served on a banana leaf.

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